4 Responses

  1. Joshua says:

    sweet, I am already registered for the 4th race on the calendar; more incentive to push hard over the final 5km

  2. Sri says:

    I was wondering how they consider the age group. Normally in races they consider as on the race date, in this case my assumption is by ending period i.e. on Sept. 29, 2019. This can change a lot depends on start of the qualifying period or end of the qualifying period. In my example I am currently at 35-39 age group, my age group changes in June 2019. If they consider as on end of the period I would make it to the 40 age group and I have the races done between this open period. Would I still make it? If yes I have much higher chances to make it to the top age group by country rating. Appreciate your thoughts.

  3. Ray Charbonneau says:

    The WMM tells me that:
    -The Age Group is assigned to you based on your age when you first compete in a WMM or AGWR event in that qualifying year.
    – You will remain in that Age Group for the purposes of the Age Group World Rankings for the remainder of the series.
    – HOWEVER, If you qualify for the Age Group World Championships, you will compete in the Age Group based on your “Age on Day of race (London 2020)” which will NOT necessarily be the same as your Age Group World Ranking category.

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