Monthly Archive: February 2018


Which Age Group Has the Easiest Boston Marathon Qualifying Time?

The Boston Marathon is one of the few races that require most runners to beat a qualifying time to get in. Some runners do that on their first attempt, while others struggle for years,...

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Boston Marathon Winning Time Progression

Let’s take a look at a chart of the winning times in the Boston Marathon for the Open and Wheelchair divisions: Note how as fields get larger and more experienced, much of the variability...


Review: “Endure” by Alex Hutchinson

Don’t be confused by the title or timing of Alex Hutchinson’s new book, Endure. It’s not about climbing Mount Everest and has no connection to the soon-to-begin Winter Olympics. No, Endure is a running...


An Empirical Study of Race Times in Recreational Endurance Runners

In 2016, BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation published an article by Andrew J. Vickers and Emily A. Vertosick that analyzes race performance and explores methods for race time prediction using information routinely available to a recreational...

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Welcome to Mathematical Runner!

At Mathematical Runner, we hope to find, explore, and publish articles about numbers that relate to running. Running is full of numbers: times, distances, paces, weights, ages, well-measured scientific correlates, and more. It has...